Customer Testimonials

“I hired Terry (Absentee By The Sea) over four years ago and he has proven to be invaluable when issues come up with our Hilton Head property. I cannot imagine being an absentee owner without someone like Terry.”
Jim G. Palmetto Dunes

“You provided exactly the service I had hoped for and much more. It is such a relief to know that you are there and you care.”
Scott B Pittsburgh, PA

“When we bought our home on Hilton Head, we decided to use Absentee by the Sea for the peace of mind that our property was looked after whilst we are away. But we’ve found Absentee by the Sea has given us so much more; advice on local amentities, help with things around the house, and preparation for our arrival. We are very happy having Terry and his team on our side.”
Paul C., Indigo Run

“Terry and his company, Absentee by the Sea, have been managing our busy property over the past year with excellent results. He is proactive and his team responds immediately to any issues that arise with positive results.”
Jim J., Sea Pines

“Since I live 1,000 miles away from my vacation home here on Hilton Head Island, the very last thing I want to do is worry about it. With Absentee by the Sea watching over my place, I don’t worry at all. They take special care to look after the house and anything it may need to keep me worry free. Their inspection services, knowledge of the best local contractors and services, and their willingness to help with anything, make being an out of state owner so much easier.”

Terry B., Port Royal

“Terry’s knowledge, experience and commitment to service excellence were the reason I chose him. His demonstration of that commitment over the past 3 years are a good reason for you to choose him as well.”
Tom Bosley, Toronto, Canada

“Buying any investment property can be daunting. But an investment property 750 miles from home was over whelming, until we met Terry Sundling, of Absentee by the Sea. Terry has over seen numerous small and large projects at our home. From mounting new TV’s on the wall to helping install new appliances, cabinets, and counters in our kitchen. Terry’s experience in the local community has proven invaluable. When we have a project, Terry will reach out to numerous local companies in order for us to receive the best price for the service provided. This has provided a real peace of mind, knowing that we are not receiving the “out of town” price, but also receive the quality of work, because Terry will accept no less.

Terry’s thorough bi-monthly inspections ensure the home stays in proper working order with no unexpected surprises. For example; Terry found an un-working hot water tank that if a renter had arrived could have been a potential loss of revenue. His attention to detail is exceptional. A good example of this is making sure all our A chairs on hardwood floors have felt pads, etc.We would strongly recommend Terry Sundling’s Absentee by the Sea services."

Ann & Barry K, Palmetto Dunes, Hilton Head, SC

“Terry, Thank you very much for all you do!”

Betty S., West Virginia

“I always find it easy to work with Terry. He is always on time when we set an appointment to meet at the client’s home for an inspection, and is knowledgeable so he can explain to property owners what will need to be done to properly fix issues. When we are on site to do work, he promptly meets my crew and is easily accessible to answer questions that they may have.”

Tim Silcox – Healthy Environments

“I am a part time resident of Hilton Head and, as such, interviewed several firms specializing in residential monitoring. It is important that in my absence from the island I have peace-of-mind and a comfort level that my home is being looked after. I looked for an experienced company with good references and a contact person with whom I could discuss home maintenance issues. I selected Terry Sundling, Absentee by the Sea. Terry is very knowledgeable with all aspects of residential monitoring and home care. He is easy to work with, very reliable and treats my home as if it were his own.”

Michael S., Port Royal

“We live 1,000 miles away from our vacation property in Hilton Head so we need the “neighbor next door” who can keep an eye on things for us and take care of any issues that may come up. We’ve not lost any sleep over anything as Terry’s company, Absentee by the Sea, has done a wonderful job treating our home like his own and keeping things in tip top shape. Arriving to a cleaned and prepped house on our visits to HHI is also a wonderful way to start a relaxing vacation…Thanks Terry!”

Gerald A. – Moss Creek
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